Vision Statement: Providing equitable access to physical therapy services for all Alaskans.
Mission Statement: The mission of the APTA Alaska Physical Therapy Community Clinic is to provide quality physical therapy services to all individuals in Alaska, regardless of financial limitations, in order to improve the health and wellness of our Alaska community.
Provider Information: Download Flyer Here
Current APTA Alaska Physical Therapy Community Clinic:
Hosted and Donated by:
Equinox Physical Therapy
3677 College Rd Ste 13
Fairbanks, AK 99709
Phone # for Scheduling or Information: (302) 927-2578
Current APTA Alaska Physical Therapy Community Clinic Board of Directors:
Alec Kay, President
Leah Einhorn, Vice President
Chad Ross, Treasurer
Jill Brekken, Secretary
Sam O’Melia, Director
Sam Lucas, Director
Clinic Director: To be determined.
The APTA Alaska Physical Therapy Community Clinic is looking for assistance with (1) patient care and (2) administrative support. If you are interested in getting involved at any level, please let us know.
The APTA Alaska Physical Therapy Community Clinic relies on and appreciates volunteer support from APTA Alaska members to provide patient care and administrative support, and we rely on donations for our financial solvency to pay for insurance and supplies. Thank you for your support!