Representing PTs, PTAs, and Students
of Physical Therapy in Alaska

Category Archives: info

20 Mar

Study: Light Physical Activity Could Help to Lower Risk of Coronary and Cardiovascular Problems

Even light PA—walking, gardening, stretching exercises—can make a significant difference in risk of CHD and CVD, researchers say. Source: APTA Feed Study: Light Physical Activity Could Help to Lower Risk of Coronary and Cardiovascular Problems

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19 Mar

President's Budget Proposes Cuts to Public Health Programs, Health Research, Medicare, and Medicaid

While the budget itself isn’t likely to survive, there’s a danger that some of the more damaging concepts could live on. Health Care Headlines President’s Budget Proposes Cuts to Public Health Programs, Health Research, Medicare, and Medicaid Source: APTA Feed ...

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18 Mar

Researchers Find 'Only Positive Effects' From PTs in Primary Care Role

Get thee to a PT. Source: APTA Feed Researchers Find 'Only Positive Effects' From PTs in Primary Care Role

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13 Mar

Members looking at the relationship between sound and movement, among other Good Stuff. Check it out!

Members looking at the relationship between sound and movement, among other Good Stuff. Check it out! Source: APTA Feed Members looking at the relationship between sound and movement, among other Good Stuff. Check it out!

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12 Mar

North Carolina PTs Get Decisive Dry Needling Win

After a nearly 4-year battle, physical therapists (PTs) in North Carolina can finally claim victory in their fight to protect dry needling. Source: APTA Feed North Carolina PTs Get Decisive Dry Needling Win

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11 Mar

New APTA Partnership Aimed at Improving Health Care Throughout the Americas

APTA will be doing even more to support access to rehabilitative services beyond US borders, thanks to its newest partnership, with the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), the world’s oldest international public health agency. Source: APTA Feed New APTA Partnership ...

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08 Mar

Researchers: Aquatic Exercise Offers Similar Results With Less Pain for Patients With Chronic LBP

Aquatic exercise, a common physical therapist intervention for patients with chronic low back pain (CLBP), shouldn’t be viewed as “less strenuous or less effective” than land-based exercise, according to authors of a recent study in PTJ (Physical Therapy). In fact, ...

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06 Mar

Your Help Needed to Guide Movement System Integration

<p><img src=”″ alt=”*PT in Motion News” title=”*PT in Motion News 800×400 (for FB)” /></p> <br />Your input is needed on an important next step for the movement system concept.</p> Source: APTA Feed Your Help Needed to Guide Movement System Integration

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06 Mar

Education Leadership Partnership Looks Back On a Productive Year

The report recaps an important year. Source: APTA Feed Education Leadership Partnership Looks Back On a Productive Year

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05 Mar

CMS Promotes More Access to Nondrug Pain Management in Medicaid

CMS says states have a range of options for increasing access to nondrug approaches to pain treatment for Medicaid beneficiaries. Source: APTA Feed CMS Promotes More Access to Nondrug Pain Management in Medicaid

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