Representing PTs, PTAs, and Students
of Physical Therapy in Alaska

Category Archives: info

04 Feb

PQRS Medication Documentation, Payment Adjustments Podcasts Added to APTA Resources

February 4, 2015: Two new APTA podcasts on the Physician Quality Reporting System (PQRS) are helping keep members up-to-date on a system that has become an integral part of an ever-increasing emphasis on patient outcomes in health care. Source: APTA ...

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04 Feb

CMS Adjusts Manual Medical Review Process for Claims Made in 2014

February 4, 2015: The US Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) is using a revised manual medical review process that takes a stepped approach to Additional Documentation Requests (ADRs) for outpatient therapy claims over $3700. Source: APTA Feed CMS ...

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02 Feb

Future of PT and PTA Education Featured in This Month's PT in Motion Magazine

February 2, 2015: Just about everyone agrees that health care of the future will look very different than health care today—but what does that mean for physical therapists (PTs) and physical therapist assistants (PTAs)? Source: APTA Feed Future of PT ...

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02 Feb

Obama Budget Tackles Self-Referral Exception for Physical Therapy – Again

February 2, 2015: President Barack Obama has included a proposal to eliminate exceptions to physician self-referral laws in his 2016 budget released today, a change that the administration says would create savings of $6.02 billion over 10 years. Source: APTA ...

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30 Jan

APTA Candidate Information Posted

January 30, 2015: Candidates for APTA elected positions have been announced and APTA members can learn more about them at the association’s candidate webpage. Source: APTA Feed APTA Candidate Information Posted

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30 Jan

'Prevent Interruptions in Physical Therapy' Act Introduced in House and Senate

January 30, 2015: The ability of physical therapists (PTs) in private practice to improve continuity of care for their patients is a step closer to becoming a reality: this week, companion bills were introduced in the US House of Representatives ...

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30 Jan

CDC: Nearly 20% of Adults 60 and Older Have Reduced Muscle Strength

January 29, 2015: Nearly 2 in 10 US adults 60 and older have reduced muscle strength, according to new data from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Source: APTA Feed CDC: Nearly 20% of Adults 60 and ...

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29 Jan

Swedish Study Says 'Gendered Communication' Contributes to Bias in Physical Therapy Referrals

January 29, 2015: A study from Sweden has found that, at least for 1 hospital in that country, multidisciplinary health care teams are more likely to refer men with chronic pain for physical therapy than they are women. Source: APTA ...

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28 Jan

Evidence on Standing Desk Benefits Doesn't Sit Well With Researchers

January 28, 2015: A newly released Cochrane review of studies on the effects of interventions aimed at reducing sitting time for office workers asserts that most evidence to date is of “low to very low quality.” Source: APTA Feed Evidence ...

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27 Jan

HHS Announces Timelines for Transitions Away From Fee-for-Service Models

January 27, 2015: The US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has released its first definitive set of timelines for a transition away from fee-for-service payment models in Medicare, and toward delivery and payment systems that APTA is helping ...

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